50km South East
of Widgiemooltha,
WA Goldfields
Rare Earths
Extensive greenstone belt recognised as Auric chases a Chalice Gold Mine12 ‘lookalike’. Rare earth readings also add allure to the 371 sq kms of tenements.
Since 2022, the Company has been actively exploring for gold and precious minerals including nickel and rare earths. The Chalice West Project’s tenements are adjacent to the Chalice Gold Mine, a mine that produced 672,000 ounces of gold over 7 years from 1995 at an average grade of 5.2 g/t. The Project includes previously unrecognised greenstones with geology that mirrors the Chalice Gold Mine.
- 12: ASX:AWJ Announcement – 19 May 2022 – Acquisition of highly prospective Chalice West Project
At the end of 2022, a total of 227 holes were drilled, and another eight holes were drilled early in 2023. The inaugural program saw 145 aircore holes targeting an analogue or analogues to the Chalice
Gold Mine only eight kilometres to the northeast.13
The company has now expanded the definition of greenstones on the tenements and determined widespread gold anomalism potentially mirroring that of the Chalice Gold Mine.
- 13: ASX:AWJ Announcement – 23 November 2022 – Chalice West Drilling Completed
The Company is evaluating the next steps for exploration at Chalice West
Auric is now evaluating the potential of further exploration for both gold and rare earth elements.
Check out all of our fascinating projects in a world class location
Jeffreys Find Gold Mine
Shallow open pit mine is surpassing expectations and set to double 2023 production in 2024/25 during it’s short life.